I have transcribed a variety of poems by poets whose writing I find admirable and worth emulating while working to achieve greater beauty in one's own writing. When possible, I have offered an audio file of the given poet reading his writing.

Many of these materials are copyrighted, and none of them are copyrighted by myself. I offer all of them here in the hopes that whomever legally owns these materials will respect the need for young writers to access a variety of media in order to improve their own craft and literary experience. I am an ardent collector of such materials, and I am a happy disseminator. I have tried to specify my media resources whenever possible.

I offer a number of textual annotations following certain poems. I do this for the benefits of other readers and myself, to make the meanings of more unfamiliar words plain and evident. However, I will rarely go so far as to provide thorough contexts for any of the poems, so please do not mistake my annotations as comprehensive materials elucidating the full knowledge necessary to appreciate a given poem fully.

This project is ongoing, so expect more materials to appear as I have the time and energy to provide them.

James Clinton Howell (January 2006)

UPDATE: I have also expanded the contents of this section to include essays on writing and poetry that I find valuable, if not invaluable.

James Clinton Howell (February 2006)


Assorted Poems

Garrett, George

Hugo, Richard (with audio)

Keats, John (with audio)

Roethke, Theodore (with audio)

Wilbur, Richard (with audio)

Yeats, William Butler (with audio)

Hugo, Richard. "Stray Thoughts on Roethke and Teaching." The Triggering Town.

Hugo, Richard. "In Defense of Creative-Writing Classes." The Triggering Town.

Rexroth, Kenneth. "Introduction." One Hundred Poems from the Japanese.

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